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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

cara penjagaan muka marykay



1. Bersihkn solekan d wajah anda dgn menggunakn mekeup remover

Elakkn mggunakan minyak baby johnson

2. Letakkan pencucimuka d 5 titik kecantikan d wajah anda iaitu dahi,hidung,pipi kiri n kanan n dagu. 

3. Dengan menggunakan 3 jari anda iaitu jari hantu,kelingking n anak jari utk menggosok secara perlahan2 membulat ke atas selama beberapa minit.

4. Selepas itu basuh sehingga bersih

5. Sapu mask ke seluruh wajah anda.Tunggu selama 15 minit shgga masi kering

6.untuk F1&F2 --Celup 3 jari anda di dlm air dan gosok spt mcci muka.Ini brtjuan utk membuang segala sel kulit mati n blackhead yg menyebabkn wajah anda kelihatan kusam

7. Bilas wajah anda dgn air n lap shgga kering. 

8 . Sapu fresner @ toner ke seluruh wajah anda 

9. Letakkan plembap di 5 titik kcntikan wajah anda dan sapu



Anda ingin mencuba facial marykay secara percuma??
Area : KUALA LUMPUR(Kepong-segambut-hartamas-month kiara)
Sila  hubungi azura utk temujanji. 0172419822
MARY KAY BOTANICAL EFFECTS FORMULA 1 kulit kering,FORMULA 2 kulit normal, FORMULA 3, khas untuk kulit berminyak.

Diperbuat dr bunga dan buah-buahan

Saturday, 17 December 2011

travel photography

(canon 1000D)
picture and edit by nor azura idris
© All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copy, usage or reproduce of the image are strictly prohibited.

street photography

(canon 1000D)
picture and edit by nor azura idris
© All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copy, usage or reproduce of the image are strictly prohibited.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Glass and Shadow


title-dark of shadow glass
  1. Iso-400
  2. Picture style-monochrome 3″0″N”N
  3. Colour space- sRGB
  4. White balance-auto
  5. f.no-f22
  6. Exposure time 1/100sec
  7. flash-NO
  8. 22mm

couple of glass “him and he”
  1. Iso-800
  2. Picture style-faithful
  3. Colour space- sRGB
  4. White balance-auto
  5. f.no-f22
  6. Exposure time 1/160sec
  7. flash-NO

“She” of alone glass

  1. Iso-400
  2. Picture style-faithful
  3. Colour space- sRGB
  4. White balance-auto
  5. f.no-f22
  6. Exposure time 1/100sec
  7. flash-NO
  8. 44mm
(canon 1000D)
picture and edit by nor azura idris
© All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copy, usage or reproduce of the image are strictly prohibited.

masjid wilayah

(canon 1000D)
picture and edit by nor azura idris
© All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copy, usage or reproduce of the image are strictly prohibited.

Makamah Syariah

(canon 1000D)
picture and edit by nor azura idris
© All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copy, usage or reproduce of the image are strictly prohibited.