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Saturday, 12 November 2011

Glass and Shadow


title-dark of shadow glass
  1. Iso-400
  2. Picture style-monochrome 3″0″N”N
  3. Colour space- sRGB
  4. White balance-auto
  5. f.no-f22
  6. Exposure time 1/100sec
  7. flash-NO
  8. 22mm

couple of glass “him and he”
  1. Iso-800
  2. Picture style-faithful
  3. Colour space- sRGB
  4. White balance-auto
  5. f.no-f22
  6. Exposure time 1/160sec
  7. flash-NO

“She” of alone glass

  1. Iso-400
  2. Picture style-faithful
  3. Colour space- sRGB
  4. White balance-auto
  5. f.no-f22
  6. Exposure time 1/100sec
  7. flash-NO
  8. 44mm
(canon 1000D)
picture and edit by nor azura idris
© All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized copy, usage or reproduce of the image are strictly prohibited.

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